The information provided on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. However, we cannot accept any liability for incomplete and/or incorrect information and for malfunctions in this website. Although we make every effort to prevent abuse, we are not liable for information and/or messages sent by website users. Integrace cannot be held liable for viruses in the event that the website becomes infected. Similarly, Integrace cannot be held liable for the contents, use and functioning of websites that link to this website.
Intellectual property
The information displayed on this website, including but not limited to texts, photos, graphic materials, brands, logos, names and trademarks, is the property of or has been licensed to the commissioning client for the site, and is protected by copyright law, trademark law and/or all other intellectual property law. This information will remain the property of the client or third parties. The contents of this website may only be used for non-commercial purposes. The website user is not permitted to reproduce the contents of the website in any way, for example by forwarding the contents or distributing them (for a fee) to third parties without prior written consent from Integrace.